Friday, December 20, 2019

The Only Disability On Life Is Having A Bad Attitude Essay

â€Å"The only disability on life is having a bad attitude†- Scott Hamilton (BrainyQuote, 2015) According to the findings in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2008, disability results from the interaction between impairments and attitudinal and environmental barriers that hinders their full effective participation in society on an equal basis with others. As mentioned in the above quote the only disability in life is having a bad attitude, this can be seen in the way in which people with disabilities interact within society and how that interaction affects their occupational form. The models of disability can best describe this impact. Models of Disability The Traditional Model of Disability The traditional model of disability focuses on the aspect of culture and the role of culture in a person’s life. Culture can be best described by a unique and original set of guidelines if you will that a person of a particular group in society or members of a cluster of beliefs, this grouping of people will share similar views on the world and react to different aspects in society in a similar behavior. The traditional model of disability can be divided into two main categories; natural causes of disability and supernatural causes of disability. Natural causes of disability are defines as the disabilities that everyone is susceptible to and they are an expected part of life. An example of this would be; The Nguni people of Southern Africa referShow MoreRelatedThe Stigma Of Invisible Disabilities. Invisible Disabilities1650 Words   |  7 PagesThe Stigma of Invisible Disabilities Invisible disabilities are exactly what they seem to be: hidden from view. 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